Sunday, July 19, 2009



  1. Carla Everett! kidding I once dated that gal in high school. What th' heck was her maiden name? Boy did she ever teach me a thing or two ... she was my Waterloo if y' know what I mean.

    That was way back when my parents shipped me up from Texas to Father Flanagan's Boy's Town but the shipping crate fell off the delivery truck in Waterloo.

    ... or maybe that was another Carla. Well, anyway, mention me to Carla and let me know what she says.

  2. Regards De Paco artistic ceiling: did you notice that in God's creation of Adam that God is inside of a womb? PhD art student in Rome pointed it out, noting that both Michaelangelo and Pope JuliusII were humanists. Gads! These factoids keep surfacing at odd moments!
    Larry of RPV
