Location – Thousand Trails Verde Valley Resort, Cottonwood, Arizona
Trip Miles – 460.4
Engineering Report --- All systems are functioning properly; air conditioning system operation is satisfactory (Thank God!)--; Star Ship Wolverine cleared for transit to Galaxy of New Mexico
Diesel Fuel Price - $2.60/gallon; 38.4 gallons loaded locally
Outside Temperature – 91F, sunny with thunderstorms in afternoon
This is the Captain speaking! Welcome to my presentation on the all-important Rank Structure aboard Star Ship Wolverine! As we begin our long voyage together, we must clearly understand that this Rank Structure has been put in place to insure harmonious life and effective execution of our collective Mission!
Firstly, I, Bob – or Baldy – am The Captain! As Captain, I am responsible for all phases of Star Ship Wolverine’s operation. I am responsible for all detailed planning to insure that the aims of our Mission are carried out properly. Hoo-Rah!
Secondly, there is Barbara – or Goldilocks! She is The Commodore! She outranks me. As Commodore, she is Master of the House and Definer of the Mission. She also has Whims that are Law to The Captain!
Thirdly, there is Angie! She is The Admiral! She outranks everybody! She just rules over the entire operation, with a half-lidded imperious eye!
Y’all can now see where I sit in this pecking order … at the Bottom of the Heap! Y’all may groan in sympathy for me now!
We departed Home Base yesterday at 0454 Hours. Our gross weight at lift-off was 19,320 pounds (we had our rig weighed fully loaded at a public scale). We breakfasted at the Golden Acorn Casino, a remote outpost near the outer edge of the Galaxy of California. The slots are active even at 7 am! Bright-Tooth Smiles are posted everywhere in this strange palace of ecstasy, showing that Everyone is a Winner! Yeah, sure! The eats are good and plentiful and that’s what mattered to us.
Farther east the weather became hot, particularly around Phoenix! No matter! The truck’s AC was working fine and our rig easily climbed north on I-17, scaling the steep Mogollon Rim above Phoenix. After setting up our rig, we put ourselves to bed and had a good night’s sleep.
ARIZONA – The Grand Canyon State… a vast 114,000-square-mile domain of ancient geological wonders and grand, commanding vistas, such as…
This WAS supposed to be a provision stop, you know! Of course, we also took time for a bit of geocaching …(interested folks may check geocaching.com for further information)...and a quiet walk along the Verde River.
Tomorrow, we head into the Galaxy of New Mexico!
Cheers and Regards to All --
Captain Baldy
We miss you Grandma and Grandpa. HAVE FUN!
Laurel and Ella
Baldy & Goldilocks,
ReplyDeleteApparently you finally hit the road. Looked like it was going to be all talk and no action for a while. So let me see, by now you've chalked-up three of the intended seventeen states. That's close to eighteen percent; dang, you're almost done.
It's good to know that you have worked out an organizational chart. Having some gopher trying to take charge can sabotage a mission from the outset. Keep a tight rein Goldilocks, especially whenever Baldy spots a Starbucks ... one cup from Starbucks is like two gallons of fuel.
My sweet bride flew out Thursday and is settled into her baby-sister's place in Connecticut for a day or two. Soon she'll cross into Rhode Island and so will catch up with your state-count.
I'm keeping an eye on the weather along hurricane alley. Hopefully you will make it through without lifting off in your starship. That reminds me Baldy, by any chance does the Commodore wear any of those trick starship outfits. If so please post pictures.
Go where no RV has gone before, live long and prosper, and clean the litterbox.
Your pal,
Hey guys
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear the starship Wolverine is cruising along well in the continental 48 galaxy. I have been in the New Mexico galaxy before (born in Albuquerque) but somehow don't seem to recall much about the place. Bonnie just returned from a week-end of Jazzercizing in Palm Springs--kind of a non-stop sort of thing like a sq. dance week-end. If it's any consolation, Bob, the price for diesel in France was about 1.08 euros/ liter..rough translation: $6 +/gallon. May the harmonious life aboard the S.S. Wolveerine continue... enjoying your blog !
I believe my father has embellished a bit to impress his friends. Captain?!! Oh, how sad. In reality folks, he holds no rank. He is a deckhand (Colonel of Urinal) at best. He is at the will of his two other ranking officers. They say, he does. His mission is to keep them happy or suffer their wrath. Don't be ashamed of who you are dad. All us married men are in the same boat.